Here’s how to set money goals and become financially abundant


If you want to make more money, you need to set goals.

To be completely honest - I find it quite difficult to have a good relationship with money when our culture is hugely dissociated and detached from the money-security-spending-over consumption cycle.

And, of course it’s just too easy to have all different sorts of unhealthy relationships with $$, which is why setting money goals or trying to manage your money can be daunting and anxiety provoking.

Maybe in the moment, it’s easier to just swipe your card on whatever your heart desires.

BUT if you become aware of your spending habits and create a plan with specific goals, both your present and future self will be very happy with you.

It’s all about generating a relationship with money. If you don’t have a good relationship with it, you’re not going to like it very much.

Once I started looking at my income/expenses on a regular basis AND setting goals around money, my anxiety around it all really decreased .. and my cash flow increased!

Setting money goals can look all sorts of ways. With trial and error, you can see what works best for you.

Not only should you focus on what we need to “sell” to hit that goal but also where we can save.

You can start with something small and manageable, which might look like:

  • Making coffee at home instead of buying it out

  • Ordering food 2 times a week instead of 5 times

It’s so easy for these little things to be looked over in the moment but you’d be surprised how much money you could save by just being aware of your spending habits and being conscious and intentional with your money.

Here’s an easy formula to start setting money goals by calculating your desired yearly income:


So, just to repeat - here are the steps again:

  1. Set your yearly income goal!

  2. Divide that by 12.

  3. Tada! You have your monthly income goal.

  4. Now determine: What do I need to sell to hit that goal?

👋 I made a free spreadsheet for you in case you want a cheat sheet!

Good luck to you all and feel free to contact me with your thoughts and what’s been working for you!


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